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New! Continuous MVR monitoring
Driving record monitoring

Ongoing monitoring of driving records can help employers avoid risk and improve driver safety. Learn about the benefits of adding Verified Credentials' newest solution to your screening strategy.

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Learn the latest trends in employment background checks. This report uses real-life usage data to uncover how employers are screening across industries.

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Verified Credentials is a leading background screening company. Since 1984, we’ve helped validate and secure relationships through the use of our comprehensive screening solutions. We offer a wide variety of background checks, verifications, and innovative screening tools.

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Accredited background screening solutions


Our accreditation confirms that our policies, processes, and employee training meet rigorous industry compliance standards.

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Background check API



Getting started

The Verified Credentials API is the latest set of tools to access our products and services in an integrated manner. This portal includes the information necessary to setup & configure your integration and includes specific API references, sample code, and a fully functional sandbox.

We make it easy to get started with the Verified Credentials API:

Current Customer

Notify your Account Manager directly and we will take all the necessary steps to activate your account and provide you with a team of integration specialists, if necessary.

New Customer / Other

Please send an email to with all relevant information about your company, and the integration you wish to pursue, and we will contact you directly.

If you have any questions or issues relating to this documentation, please reach out to your dedicated Account Manager or contact our Client Services team at

Available screening workflows

Verified Credentials API offers (2) supported integration types based on the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) unique needs:

One-Step Integration

The ATS/HRIS system collects ALL the information required to submit the background check order. Verified Credentials will assist in developing the required data elements based on your specific ordering requirements.

  • Package – Product(s) – Account Information

    • Package Ordered

    • Product(s) Ordered

    • Customer Account Information & Authentication

    • Client Order Reference Number (Optional)

  • Fields Collected Include (Based on package & products ordered):

    • Name(s)

    • Address(es)

    • Social Security Number / National ID Number

    • Date of Birth

    • Driver’s License Number & State

  • Additional Product-Specific Fields - Required if any Employment; Academic, Reference, Professional License, or any other product requiring such information exists on the order:

    • Employer Name / Job Title / Start & End Date / Etc.

    • Academic Institution Name / Degree / Graduation Date / Etc.

    • Reference Name / Phone Number / Email Address / Etc.

    • License Agency Name / License Type / License Number / Etc.

The data elements required are based on the summation of ALL products contained on the order. Once the file request is received via the Create Background Check Order Request (POST) process, it will be validated, and the order placed if the minimum requirements are met.

  • All data elements are sent from the ATS/HRIS system within (1) file.

  • Candidate release forms are collected & maintained within the ATS/HRIS system (Not sent within the order file).

  • The ‘Get Background Check Status (GET)’ can be invoked during the order process to receive status updates relating to the order.

  • Upon order completion, a URL to the completed background report will be sent in the final status result.

Two-Step Integration

The ATS/HRIS system collects a MINIMUM set of information required to submit a background check applicant. The applicant will receive a direct email communication, and a link to supply ALL required information directly into the customer’s branded portal. Verified Credentials will assist in developing the required data elements and custom portal workflow based on your specific ordering requirements.

  • Package – Product(s) – Account Information

    • Package Ordered

    • Product(s) Ordered

    • Customer Account Information & Authentication

    • Client Order Reference Number (Optional)

  • Fields Collected Include:

    • Current Name

    • Email Address

ALL data elements required for order placement are completed by the applicant via the customer’s branded portal (2nd Step).

  • Minimum data elements are sent from ATS/HRIS system within (1) file.

  • Required order & client release forms are signed/collected via the customer’s branded portal.

  • The ‘Get Background Check Status (GET)’ can be invoked during the order process to receive status updates relating to the order.

  • Upon order completion, a URL to the completed background report will be sent in the final status result.

API information & URLs

Create background check request (POST)

The following URLs are used to submit background check requests to Verified Credentials:

Testing / Quality Assurance


Create background check status (GET)

The following URLs are used to request background check status on submitted orders:

Testing / quality assurance{id}


Note:  The {id} referenced in the URLs above is the initial ‘orderReference’ returned after successful order placement using the ‘Create Background Check Request (POST)’. The ‘orderReference’ must be saved within the ATS/HRIS system to invoke the ‘Create Background Check Status (GET).

Web service authentication

Web service requests via the API will be authenticated using Basic Web Service Authentication. Verified Credentials will provide all necessary credentials to access our Testing / Quality Assurance and Production environments. Contact your dedicated Account Manager or our Client Services team at for more information.

Generic connector JSON formats

Create background check request (POST)

Note:  Required fields are in green and fields containing “null” are not required in final payload if information is not available (“Null” values are for reference purpose only and must be omitted when sending the background check request).  In addition, if a list does not have any values, it should be removed from the payload (Example: If there is no employment history, the entire “employment” list should be removed). 

"requestId": null, 

"sentDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", 

"vendorId": 0, 

"customerId": 0, 

"customerRefId": null, 

"costCenter": null, 

"sublocation": null, 

"workFlowStatus": null, 

"crimDisclosureOnly": false, 

“jobApplicationId”: null, 


"applicant": { 

"candidateId": null, 

"firstName": null, 

"lastName": null, 

"middleName": null, 

"addresses": [ 

"streetAddress1": null, 

"streetAddress2": null, 

"city": null, 

"state": null, 

"postalCode": null, 

"country": null, 

"fromDate": null, 

"toDate": null, 

"current": false 


"applicantIdentity": { 

"dateOfBirth": null, 

"ssn": null, 

"nationalId": null, 

"ethnicity": null, 

"primaryPhone": null, 

"primaryPhoneType": null, 

"secondaryPhone": null, 

"secondaryPhoneType": null, 

"emailAddress": null, 

"gender": null, 

"nationality": null 


"profileAliases": [ 

"firstName": null, 

"lastName": null, 

"middleName": null, 

"fromDate": null, 

"toDate": null 


"employments": [ 

"companyName": null, 

"position": null, 

"streetAddress1": null, 

"streetAddress2": null, 

"city": null, 

"state": null, 

"postalCode": null, 

"country": null, 

"fromDate": null, 

"toDate": null, 

"phone": null, 

"supervisorName": null, 

"supervisorTitle": null, 

"supervisorPhone": null, 

"supervisorEmail": null, 

"reasonLeft": null, 

"mayContact": null, 

"endingSalary": { 

"amount": null, 

"frequency": null 


"professionalReferences": [ 

"name": null, 

"phone": null, 

"emailAddress": null, 

"title": null, 

"yearsKnown": null, 

"streetAddress1": null, 

"streetAddress2": null, 

"city": null, 

"state": null, 

"country": null, 

"postalCode": null 


"driversLicenses": [ 

"licenseNbr": null, 

"state": null, 

"country": null, 

"class": null, 

"issueDate": null 


"professionalLicenses": [ 

"licenseType": null, 

"licenseBoard": null, 

"licenseNbr": null, 

"state": null, 

"country": null, 

"status": null, 

"fromDate": null, 

"toDate": null 


"academics": [ 

"schoolName": null, 

"schoolType": null, 

"degree": null, 

"major": null, 

"minor": null, 

"graduationDate": null, 

"hasGraduated": false, 

"yearsCompleted": null, 

"gpa": null, 

"nameWhileAttending": null, 

"streetAddress1": null, 

"streetAddress2": null, 

"city": null, 

"state": null, 

"postalCode": null, 

"country": null, 

"fromDate": null, 

"toDate": null, 

"phone": null, 

"contactName": null, 

"contactPhone": null, 

"contactEmail": null 


"packages": [ 

"vciId": 0, 

"vciPackageName": null, 

"sourceId": null 


"products": [ 

"vciId": 0, 

"vciProductName": null, 

"sourceId": null 


"recruiter": { 

"vciEmployeeUserName": null, 

"vciId": 0, 

"recruiterEmail": null, 

"recruiterUserName": null 

Create background check response & status

Note: Use the ‘orderReference’ returned as {id} during GetStatus request.


“applicationId”: “{Clients Unique Application Identifier},

“orderReference”: {VCI Unique Application Identifier}”,

“orderStatus”: “{VCI Application Status}”,

“orderStatusDateTime”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00”,

“orderScore”: null,

“orderResult”: null,

“orderCompleteDate”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00”,

“reportURL”: null


Error messages

An identical request is already in progress.
Duplicate request for Generic request ID: {requestId}
Candidate Email Address is a required field.
This request cannot be mapped to a known Verified Credentials Account.
Invalid Authorization
Invalid Authorization Scheme
Incorrect Authorization Header