Abuse Registry
Identify individuals with documented abusive behavior against adults or children through a database search of state Departments of Health. While this search is not available in all states, it does provide additional insight into candidates seeking to work with “vulnerable” populations at childcare and healthcare facilities.
Search is ideal for:
Medical professionals
Childcare workers
Over 99% of abuse registry searches
are complete in <1 day.
Frequently asked questions
The turnaround time can be between one and ten days, depending on the state(s) searched. Some state registries maintain small staff, have manual files, or require a manual release form, resulting in longer turnaround times. Contact us to learn the average turnaround time for the registries you are interested in including in your background screening package.
National Sex Offender Public Registry searches are your next area to search for child and adult abuse offenders. Additional state and county criminal searches may also report abuse cases not available in those registries.
Protect your patients and vulnerable populations.
Get started with adult & child abuse registry searches.